citizenAID - Public information film from citizenAID - Response to a bombing
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Emergency Response Protocol: Explosion Incident
Situation Overview
Immediate actions and communication during an explosion emergency.
Key Points:
- Ensure safety: "Watch your step, take care."
- Request for clearance: "Clear the area for space."
- Assigning responsibilities: "Denholm, attend to casualties."
- Notifying emergency services: "I'm radioing this in."
Incident Report
Details of the explosion and casualties reported to emergency services.
Report Summary:
- Van Singh, Transport Manager, reporting:
- Explosion occurred in main stairs area.
- Seven people injured, three unable to walk.
- No fires detected, building deemed stable.
- One security member on site.
- Urgent request for all emergency services.
Casualty Care and First Aid
Actions taken to address injuries and provide immediate assistance.
First Aid Procedures:
- Application of tourniquet to control severe bleeding.
- Assessment and triage of casualties based on condition.
- Use of improvised materials for wound care.
- Support and reassurance for injured individuals.
Assessment and Prioritization
Evaluation of casualties and determination of treatment priorities.
Assessment Highlights:
- Identification of severe injuries such as amputations and burns.
- Triage process to allocate resources effectively.
- Documentation of injuries and actions taken for medical handover.
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